How to treat male prostatitis at home: doctor’s advice

Male prostatitis

What methods do you need to treat prostatitis at home-fast and effective? You need a series of methods to treat prostatitis at home and great patience. After all, what men lack is him. When the main discomfort symptoms are eliminated, a large part of them have given up midway training. This is fundamentally wrong. Overwhelming typical symptoms does not mean a complete cure for the disease. There is no discussion of effective treatments here. It takes a long time to fight prostatitis, and rapid treatment of what has been "created" over the years is not feasible. Effective treatment of prostatitis is the result of completely eliminating this disease.

What you need to know

Which prostatitis can be treated at home? This issue must be discussed with the attending urologist. Only in the hospital can certain forms of diseases, such as acute and severe illnesses, be treated with complications.

If the disease is not complicated or is chronic when it relapses, it is acceptable to receive prostatitis treatment at home. They mainly use folk remedies to relieve pain and increase the body's resistance to male infections.

Usually, at home, prostatitis starts to be treated with herbal medicine, decoctions and medicines with the help of grandmother's medicine. The earliest "effective recipe providers" were the omniscient neighbors and the Internet, but for men, this information is not always necessary, and sometimes just harmful.

The help of neighbors may not matter, because it will definitely tell a burning story, that is, with some magic formula, the pain will quickly "disappear", but these signs are not symptoms of prostatitis, which is not true. You may also question the informative nature of the Internet. Information about treating prostatitis at home can only be used on special sites. Experts will tell you how to treat prostatitis at home.

All known methods and current methods

If combined with folk remedies and main therapies, male prostatitis can be cured quickly and effectively at home. Ideally, urologists should consider the form of male prostatitis and compile a list of effective methods suitable for families. For general information, you can view photos of herbs or dosage forms, and videos of research topics.

Which methods are suitable for native walls:

  1. The use of plants and their potions.
  2. LF complex, ordinary gymnastics will help eliminate the congestion of the small pelvis and reduce the inflammation of the prostate.
  3. Proper diet without alcohol is very helpful for treating prostatitis at home.
Male sexual "​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​




A good mental environment at home can create peace and this disease is easier to treat.

By analyzing symptoms, we can understand whether it is worthwhile to treat male prostatitis at home or whether it needs to be treated in a hospital. Therefore, if the symptoms of acute prostatitis prevail, even if the symptoms of fever, poisoning or AUR are more severe, the acute course of the disease requires immediate hospitalization-any method of eliminating prostatitis at home is not only ineffective, but also dangerous.

  • Massage. It does not aggravate and helps eliminate stagnation of prostate secretions. Both men and men can perform digital rectal prostate massage in clinics and at home.
  • Warm bath for prostatitisWarm bathtub. A bathtub with a warm herbal solution helps relieve pain and general discomfort. The alternation of contrast agent (cold water and warm water) can be used to stimulate the prostate. After showering, showering with contrast agent on the genital area can reduce discomfort. A bathtub with a warm herbal solution helps relieve pain and general discomfort.
  • Gymnastics. The easiest exercise for men at home is walking. This does not require too much effort or extra expense, a few kilometers a day is enough to make it a way to get from home to work or stop on the way. Lack of exercise is one of the reasons leading to the development of congestive edema and prostatitis; it is necessary to fight against exercise through daily exercise such as exercise in the morning or walking in the street.
  • Eating. A group of simple prohibited foods (spicy, spicy, salty, fried, alcohol, etc. ) can cause painful episodes and worsening of chronic prostatitis. If diet is used as a treatment option, stable relief can be achieved, and the diet does not have to be bland and tasteless-enough to leave the table without excess wine, alcohol (including beer) and semi-finished products.
  • Friction. Refers to men who cannot use the contrast shower for some reason. Rubdowns help strengthen the overall body and help it fight the inflammatory process. They are operated on twice a day at room temperature of 18 to 20 degrees in the morning and evening.
  • Micro cells. Doctors attach no less importance to them than modern medicines. Warm herbs (sage, chamomile, string) can quickly eliminate the uncomfortable symptoms of prostatitis, reduce pain and inflammation, soothe and help recover faster.

Expert advice

Does the doctor recommend treating prostatitis at home? Experts will not deny the benefits of using folk methods to treat with onion skin, garlic, celandine, poplar skin and other recipe ingredients. A quick and effective decoction, infusion and tincture will help significantly relieve the condition and reduce the signs of disease.

Here are some recipes that are entitled to use due to the high therapeutic effect:

Folk method treatment
  • Onion skins are treated at home. Onions from seven diseases-this folk truth is relevant today. In addition to antibacterial plant fungicides, onions also contain vitamins and trace elements, organic acids, and flavonoids, which are essential for men. Onion skin therapy helps to strengthen immunity and effectively fight various diseases, including prostatitis. The operation of onion "wrapping paper" is very simple, just boil it in water for about 5 minutes and then inject it for about an hour. Strain the broth and drink 1 \ 2 tablespoons. l. three times a day. The treatment course does not exceed one week, and the interval between treatment courses is several weeks. The operation of onion "wrapping paper" is very simple, just boil it in water for about 5 minutes and then inject it for about an hour. A group of light brown onion skins (0. 5 tablespoons per 1 cup), pour cold water (0. 5-0. 7 liters), boil for 5-7 minutes, strain the broth, cool and put in the refrigerator.
  • Garlic treats prostatitis at home. Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Garlic is very effective in treating the inflammation process of the prostate. It contains allicin, which can prevent the formation of free radicals and the infection of new cells. The easiest way to treat garlic is to eat it fresh. A few cloves of garlic help normalize its effectiveness and strengthen the immune system.
  • How to treat poplar bark. Poplar bark has been used for many centuries and has been used as a therapeutic agent for acute and chronic prostatitis. It has astringent and diuretic effects, reduces bladder stagnation, and normalizes the process of urination. The treatment of poplar bark is carried out at the same time as the main therapy. They prepare prepare agent at home, drink 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day, chew bark or take powder. The medicinal properties of poplar have been around for a long time. What are the preparation methods? You can learn from special reference materials, consult doctors or find suitable preparations on the global network. With the help of poplar, men can effectively restore the function of the prostate and quickly restore the strength of men. Poplar bark tincture is an excellent treatment for prostatitis.
  • Celandine treatment. This weed that grows along fences in fertile soil rarely attracts people's attention. But every child has bright yellow dots on their hands, and the grandmother used celandine juice to treat warts. Celandine can also be used as a decoction, tin, or made into dosage forms (tablets). It is reasonable to use celandine to treat prostatitis. It contains essential oils, vitamins, flavonoids, alkaloids and essential amino acids. Celandine is a natural preservative with anti-inflammatory properties and can regenerate the affected parenchymal cells. However, plants can become toxic at certain doses, so any independent use must be agreed with the attending doctor in advance.

What else does the doctor recommend when treating prostatitis quickly at home? Most men prefer to use powerful pills to relieve pain. They act quickly, but experts recommend paying attention to propolis. Propolis can reduce inflammation and has natural properties to relieve pain. In most cases, candles with propolis are used, and the effect is almost immediately visible.

Ordinary parsley can use the green vegetables and roots and seeds in the salad to help treat prostatitis. They can prepare decoctions and drinks during the day instead of tea or water.

Useful tips

Doctor, in addition to the advice on using various folk remedies to treat prostatitis at home, I also recommend that you follow the following rules:

  1. Keep your weight at an optimal value.
  2. Eliminate preservatives and semi-finished products from your diet.
  3. Reduce the intake of animal protein by replacing animal protein with plant protein.
  4. Use less fat, spicy, and salty foods. All spicy dishes stimulate the inflammatory process of the prostate.
  5. Green tea instead of coffee can help treat prostatitis.
  6. Vegetables and fruits instead of hot dogs can help you stay healthy for a long time.

Form #1. What to use at home



Beekeeping products

Honey, dead bees, propolis, candles

Pumpkin seeds

3 times a day, 30 pieces each time.


Drink juice 3 r \ d. Before meals

Infused with hazel bark and leaves

1 \ 4 cups 4 p \ day

Chestnut shell (soup)

Enema 2 p. Weekly, the capacity is 250ml

Pear juice or preserves

Daily use

Orchid (soup)

Three 1/2 cups a day

Manchu Aralia (root)

2-3 r infusion every day. 40 drops each

arrow grass (soup)

Enema 2 times a day. Before relief

One of the first mistakes most men who want to treat their prostate at home make is their desire for a quick cure and ignoring other advice from experts related to lifestyle and nutrition. Taking medicines, decoctions and tinctures does not guarantee that such attacks will not happen again. If a person drinks all these medicines with a jug of beer, polishes them with vodka, and bites over cooked meat, ketchup and marinadesExplosive mixture of juice.

To learn how to treat prostatitis at home, you can study photos or videos on the Internet. It is important to remember that treating the prostate is much more difficult than preventing the disease.